Inside instead of outdoors marijuana growers use specialized intensive lights in the type of High Intesity Discharge or HID. The minimum light indoors should be around 2000 lumens per square foot.
There are 3 basic types of HID lamps: High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide and Mercury Vapor.
HPS lamps are used for start to finish on growing cycles, adjusting them farther away in the vegetative state. These lamps are rich in the red spectrum so they are good during the flowering state. They put out about 15,000 lumens per 150 watts.
Metal Halide lamps are rich in the blue spectrum which is good for the vegetative state.
Mercury Vapor lamps put out 8000 lumens per 175 watts. They are inefficient when compared to a HPS lamps which is better in lumens per watt by more than double. They also are in the wrong frequency of light to grow marijuana. But they are the least expensive. It is recommended not to grow using these types of light as a couple $1.00 fluorescent are actually more efficient.
HPS 400 - $200
HPS 250 - $150
MH 400 - $150
MH 250 - $120
(Most bulb prices will ranges around $35-$45)
LIGHT Efficiency
Fluorescent per 200 watts = 15K lumens
Mercury Vapor per 200 watts = 10K lumens
Metal Halide (MH) per 200 watts = 18K lumens
High Pressure Sodium (HPS) per 200 watts = 22K lumens
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