Cloning is the process of taking a cutting off a plant and re-growing this cutting into another plant. A clone will have the same age as the plant it is taken off of, so a cutting taken off a 3 week old plant will have the same characteristics of a 3 week old plant. If a plant is much older however, such as ready to mature and show sex at about 5-6 weeks, the clone will be able to immediately enter the flowering state after it has rooted. Clones are usually taken during the vegetative state instead of the flowering state as taking them during the flowering state will stunt the flowering plant as well as the percentage of flowering clones will not be expected to live as much as the vegetative clones will. A "mother" plant is usually reserved just for the purpose of taking clones, the mother plant has it's whole life for years in a vegetative state of continuos light and never let to flower, clones will be cut off as soon as the old cutting spots have regenerated.
Use a razor blade to cut off cuttings at a slanted angle. Usually good clones can be taken towards the bottom of the plant, make sure these clones have a set of branches growing off them as well. Liquid rooting solutions are said to be better than powder. A warming pad may also be set underneath the clone until it's roots grow. Humidity is also great, so placing a slightly wet plastic over the plants may help in growing. The time for a clone to grow roots varies from a week and a half to a month, so patience is necessary.
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