LESSON 23 - Privacy

Electric companies can tell if a a constant running 400 watts or 1000 watts or being used in your household. Never let police come inside your house if they knock, instead tell them about someone who just moved in, new electronic equipment like televisions and computers. Make sure that any light leaks are sealed, and turn off the alarms in your house as they will attract 911 and neighbors if there is a break in, the best way if to find a guard dog to watch your house if you are away and afraid off someone trying to rip you off or police. Make sure if any service people come to your house that they do not accidentally walk into your growing space.

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  • LESSON 22 - Cloning

    Cloning is the process of taking a cutting off a plant and re-growing this cutting into another plant. A clone will have the same age as the plant it is taken off of, so a cutting taken off a 3 week old plant will have the same characteristics of a 3 week old plant. If a plant is much older however, such as ready to mature and show sex at about 5-6 weeks, the clone will be able to immediately enter the flowering state after it has rooted. Clones are usually taken during the vegetative state instead of the flowering state as taking them during the flowering state will stunt the flowering plant as well as the percentage of flowering clones will not be expected to live as much as the vegetative clones will. A "mother" plant is usually reserved just for the purpose of taking clones, the mother plant has it's whole life for years in a vegetative state of continuos light and never let to flower, clones will be cut off as soon as the old cutting spots have regenerated.

    Use a razor blade to cut off cuttings at a slanted angle. Usually good clones can be taken towards the bottom of the plant, make sure these clones have a set of branches growing off them as well. Liquid rooting solutions are said to be better than powder. A warming pad may also be set underneath the clone until it's roots grow. Humidity is also great, so placing a slightly wet plastic over the plants may help in growing. The time for a clone to grow roots varies from a week and a half to a month, so patience is necessary.

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  • LESSON 21 - Harvesting

    When about 75 percent of the hairs of your plant are reddish or brown (or that same percent of trichomes are cloudy) then your plant is ready to harvest. Depending on how early or late you take it, your marijuana may produce a different type of high. Early harvesting will produce a "energetic" high, while harvesting late produces a "stupid" high. This is because the longer it takes to harvest the more the THC will convert to CBD and CBN producing the later high. You can cure by cutting off every thing except the buds and then hanging the whole plant upside in a dry dark place for a minimum of 2 weeks. This will ensure it dries out completely, then for another 2 weeks place the buds in a type of plastic container and once a day open the lid to let the buds breath. After this 4 week cure your buds will be good to smoke.

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  • LESSON 20 - Regeneration

    After harvesting a plant you may regenerate the plant to live another time for a 2nd/3rd vegetative state. To do this simply do not cut too much of the plant during harvest. Only take about 40% of the plant by taking only top colas and leaving all giant fan leaves and remaining shoots and buds. Under about 2 weeks of 24 hours of light they will start to grow again. Flush/Leach the plant one more time before feeding it with a plant food high in nitrogen to further jump-start the vegetative state.

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  • LESSON 19 - Transplanting

    Transplanting a plant is the process of taking a plant from one pot to a larger one. It is recommended that if you must, only transplant once or twice during the plants entire life cycle. To transplant, simply place your plant's pot in the larger pot and put dirt around the small plant until a mold has been made. Hold your plant by it's stem and tap on the bottom of the small pot and the whole mold should come out. Simply put the plants dirt and roots into the mold and secure it with more soil.

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  • LESSON 18 - Pests

    Mites and fungi can ruin your plants. If your areas is prone to contamination or outside nature (even yourself) you may have a pest problem. By using a small amount of soap on the leaves of the plants it will hold off many pests. If fungus starts growing on your plant, immediately remove the branch or buds infected and spray a vegetable-safe fungicide on the plant, do not spray fungicide on a plant that does not have a history of fungus. Do not bring an outside plant into your indoor grow space as it will most surely infect your plants and you will have to completely sanitize your area again before another grow.

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  • LESSON 17 - Temperature

    Average temperature in a grow room should not exceed above 80 degrees. Lights and carbon dioxide will often raise temperatures to over 90 degrees so you must have a thermometer in your grow room to check on the temperature. A plant on a cold concrete floor is not really good either as the roots will often get cold and adversely stunt growth so if your area is not carpeted or warm you must elevate your plant.

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  • LESSON 16 - CO2

    Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide your plant is exposed will make your plant grow much faster. Carbon Dioxide can be used at any time during the growing cycle, but because of it's expense, it is advised to use it during the flowering period. The whole cost of a carbon dioxide tank system varies but usually costs around $300 to $600. A cheaper method is called fermentation, this is where yeast destroys itself and carbon dioxide is what is produced. Natural gas also contains carbon dioxide, but the actual heat may be a problem, propane is good for this. If you use carbon dioxide during the flowering period you will actually only need half as much as the vegetative state as the lights switch to 12/12 the plant will not need the carbon dioxide during it's night state.

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  • LESSON 15 - Plant Food & Nutrients

    The standard in nutrients on any plant food are the N-P-K (example 15-15-15). N is for Nitrogen. P is for Phosphorus. K is for Potassium. There are also ingredients sometimes inside this called trace elements. These may include iron, manganese and zinc. A good plant food will have the proper NPK balance and include the trace elements. In the vegetative state the plant need more nitrogen, usually a good plant food that would be suitable for growing tomatoes will do the job. At the vegetative state look for 20-20-20 NPK. By using more than a teaspoon per gallon of plant food or greatly exceeding the recommended dose you will cause fert-burn (termed from the tips of the leaves becoming very dry as if burnt), which means you have over fertilized, you will quickly see the results in the leaves and the plant may die shortly if you do not quickly over-water the plant and flush/leach the nutrients from the soil or reservoir.

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  • LESSON 14 - Security

    Although plants are hardly visible outdoors, police have helicopters that have special visions that can detect the type of green that the marijuana's chlorophyll produces. Also plants grown tall and natural will likely be spotted by other growers or rip-offs, so the bushier the better.

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  • LESSON 13 - Soil

    Although highly marketed, Miracle Grow soil is said not to be good for marijuana due to the fertilization it releases through time may not be the right type for your plants. Super soil is a brand of soil that usually is said to be of good quality although. An organic grower does not your chemicals like plant food and instead use types of animal manure ranging from bats, cows to chickens, and plant material such as grass, leaves and seaweed.

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  • LESSON 12 - Guerilla Farming

    Guerilla Farming is the process of growing large amounts of marijuana on a land not owned by you. This is usually done in hard to find flat lands or high in mountains. The main idea is that you want a very large grown that no one else is going to find except you. You usually will wear plastic under you shoes, gloves and a ski-mask to hide any evidence such as footprints, fingerprints and hair of tracing back to you. Tips on this method is to park your vehicle far away in an obscure area, buy a type of ivy remedy, and top your plants in order to make them look more bushy. Any type of fencing can also be used to hold off pests and animals. You may also want to dig deep in order to make a type of well in case water is a problem to get to that location. It doesn't matter if you use clones or seedlings to grow in your spot, make sure you grow a ton of plants such as 100 to 300 as many will die in the wild.

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  • LESSON 11 - Outdoor Growing

    Growing outdoors without a greenhouse is universally agreed to be the best method to grow your marijuana if it is possible for you. There are cons such as pest, deer, storms, neighbors and cops, but the pros are that you will not spend any money on electricity, the stems will be exceptionally strong, the light from the sun is the best you can get, the roots will grow to their optimum length and the weed will smoke much better than any indoor organic or hydroponic grow. Usually outdoors, plants are grown in late spring/early summer to be ready around the turn of Autumn. A main focus is the quality of the soil of the outdoor grow so try to plant in rich soil full of nutrients. Left unchecked an outdoor plant will grow from about four feet to over ten feet. If a long dry spell occurs then you must manually water your plant in order for them not to die out, use the same plant food you would apply to your indoors plants depending on if they are in their vegetative or flowering state.

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  • LESSON 10 - Hydroponic Systems

    Growing indoors, you can also use an alternative method to soil by using hydroponics. Hydroponics will make your plants grow much quicker because of the excess of oxygen to the roots, but they are more difficult to manage and the finished product doesn't have the same organic taste. By growing plants in rockwool you will be able to simply transplant them on a larger rockwool cube, eliminating much trauma and shock you may cause the plant in a traditional soil transplant.

    In reservoir systems all that is needed are the pots and the medium. In a wick system, wicks are put inside the raised pots. The wick will gather the water to where you place it. The best things to use in a hydroponic systems are rockwool or pre-washed lava rocks mixed with pearlite or vermiculite. You may also want to add dolite lime to your mix. All these soil mixes are great and very hard to over water. You can add your nutrients into every watering and small amounts of hydrogen peroxide may be added as well to kill off algae and other bacteria. Salt and PH level problems may occur and can be cure with a simple flush of the water system.

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  • LESSON 9 - Flowering State

    Naturally in the wild as the winter months come the sunlight in the day decreases to about 12 hours. In outdoor grows, around autumn time the plants will naturally flower. Indoor marijuana growers mimic this process by switching their lights to around 12 hours of lights, 12 hours of dark. After switching to the flowering times you must repeat them throughout the duration of the plants remaining life, so timers are usually bought from stores to do this job so the manual stress is taken off the grower. Also, the dark cycle must have uninterrupted darkness or your plants may turn into hermaphrodites or not flower at all. The plants can stand as much as natural moonlight would provide for a couple minutes and a small green light can be bought if you must work on your plants in the dark.

    The plant food must also be changed at this time from the 20-20-20 to atleast a 10-20-10 or 15-30-15 flowering plant food or higher K level. Also when buying this plant food look for a list of trace elements other than the standard three.

    At around one or two weeks white hairs will develop from the calyx of some plants, these are the females. Buds will only develop on female marijuana plants. Balls will emerge from the other plants, these are the males. Once the males are spotted throw them out immediately. Sometimes due to stress a plant will have both balls and white hairs, these are hermaphrodites and must also be discarded as quickly as possible. you can do this by using heavy duty scissors or shears and cutting them gently at the bottom of their stem. Do not be too rough on the males as you may burst a ball and pollen can ruin your whole crop.

    Eventually the white hairs will turn to a reddish or brownish color, when over 75% of the plant is covered with these colored hair the plant is ready to harvest.

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  • LESSON 8 - Vegetative State

    From the moment the plant sprouts it will begin its vegetative state. First growing its initial two leaves, then three leaf tips, and then it will add one or two more leaf tips with each new growth. It will grow to about a foot before it is ready to be sexed into the flowering stage, although it is possible to sex them at seven inches or less. You may grow plants at as little as 18 hours lights on, 6 hours lights off, or alternatively grow them with 24 hours of light during their vegetative stage. You may want to mix in a small amount of hydrogen peroxide every other watering to give oxygen to the roots as well as kill off microscopic pests.

    When they are at their fourth sets of true leaves you may want to introduce plant food to the plant at a 20-20-20 teaspoon per gallon ratio or similar. You can also top a plant at this stage and instead of one main cola you will have two slightly smaller ones and repeat this process if you want. Or you can train the plant by tying it down right for one day, left for another thereby letting the plant grow more bushy. A fan should also be used to make the stems of the plants more stronger so they will not fall over when they grow taller.

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  • LESSON 7 - Germination

    To germinate seeds you need a moist paper towel and a zip lock bag. Get the paper towel moist, but not soaking wet and then place the seeds on the paper towel. A small amount a hydrogen peroxide should also be added to kill off microscopic pests. Fold the seeds in the paper towel and place in the zip lock bag. Let the zip lock bag stay open, DO NOT ZIP IT UP. Then blow air into the bag giving them carbon dioxide. Place this bag in a dry and completely dark area. Within a couple days the seedlings will have roots on them. Some may not have sprouted yet so rewet the paper towel and placed them back in the plastic bag. In a couple days all seedling that have the abilty to sprout will have done so by now.

    The newly sprouted seeds are very prone to bacteria, so wash your hands or wear gloves while handling the small roots. Alternatively, you may want to use tweezers to handle this. Usually seedlings are planted in rockwool or dirt mixed with vermiculite or perlite so that oxygen allows their roots to grow more freely. The pot or container you use to plant must be sterilized or cleaned very well as certain chemicals can surely be fatal to your plant. Use the biggest pots you can to plant each seed in so that you will not have to transplant the plants after they have grown.

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  • LESSON 6 - Sea Of Green

    The sea of green method is the idea of having many small plants go through their maturity early to yield the harvest more frequently. So usually in this method they are very compacted together and mainly grown for their top cola. The minimum space should be about one plant per square foot. The whole process will usually take about 45 days, so it is recommended not to top plants as it will only slow down the process.

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  • LESSON 5 - Lights

    Inside instead of outdoors marijuana growers use specialized intensive lights in the type of High Intesity Discharge or HID. The minimum light indoors should be around 2000 lumens per square foot.

    There are 3 basic types of HID lamps: High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide and Mercury Vapor.

    HPS lamps are used for start to finish on growing cycles, adjusting them farther away in the vegetative state. These lamps are rich in the red spectrum so they are good during the flowering state. They put out about 15,000 lumens per 150 watts.

    Metal Halide lamps are rich in the blue spectrum which is good for the vegetative state.

    Mercury Vapor lamps put out 8000 lumens per 175 watts. They are inefficient when compared to a HPS lamps which is better in lumens per watt by more than double. They also are in the wrong frequency of light to grow marijuana. But they are the least expensive. It is recommended not to grow using these types of light as a couple $1.00 fluorescent are actually more efficient.


    HPS 400 - $200
    HPS 250 - $150
    MH 400 - $150
    MH 250 - $120
    (Most bulb prices will ranges around $35-$45)

    LIGHT Efficiency

    Fluorescent per 200 watts = 15K lumens
    Mercury Vapor per 200 watts = 10K lumens
    Metal Halide (MH) per 200 watts = 18K lumens
    High Pressure Sodium (HPS) per 200 watts = 22K lumens

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  • LESSON 4 - Gardening On A Shelf

    This is a system that relies on using many shelfs and placing fluorescent lights directly above them. Separating plants from 24-hour grow cycles to 12/12 grow cycles is as easy as sectioning off a shelf. Some shelves may be using for seedlings, some for the vegetative state, some for the flowering cycle, and some for cloning. The downside of shelf gardening is that your plants will be only about three feet or less fully matured and you may need to buy chains as you will need to adjust the lights daily so that they are always 2 inches apart from the lights. Clones will be need a 24 hour cycle until they show new growth and can be then switched to the flowering 12/12 cycle. HPS lights can also be added to this mix of shelves for your flowering cycles or hardcore vegetative state.

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  • LESSON 3 - Indoor Planting

    Any unattended room will do in bringing plants indoors, whether it be a basement, bedroom, attic or a closet. The first step is usually securing any spots where light can leak through that can ruin your light cycle. The next step is placing a type of plastic or similar material on the floor of the space so that no leaks will build causing rot in your house. Then you will need ventilation, a small fan or a couple computer fans will do in a small space, while you will need a larger fan for a bigger space and nice ventilation for air to come in and out. One mistake many people do is to use mirrors, which will actually absorb any light produced. The walls should instead be painted white or lined with mylar or the dull side of aluminum foil.

    Any electrical equipment including lights should be placed on a small table or shelf in case of emergency spills. Separating the seedling space or shelf from the flowering cycle of your main grown is as easy as using a a dark curtain or sum type of light proof material.

    For seedlings, a couple fluorescent light bulbs will due. Either they both be the cheap $1.00 cool white lights or a 50/50 split of warm and cool bulbs.

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  • LESSON 2 - Constant Light Harvest

    A modified shed with fiberglass or plastic windows on the roof will provide a great strategy for combating energy costs. Besides deterring pests, kids and neighbors, your shed will will cut cost by your use of combining your lights and using the sun. For example: you will turn on your lights immediately as the sun sets there by you eliminate the need for half or more energy consumption.

    In the wintertime it is preferred that you start your seedlings indoor, while in the spring or summertime it is preferred you start them outdoors as they will become more hearty, no dark light is required during this stage so your seedlings will not suffer by placing them in the same room as your grow room. By starting your seedlings while your first plants are already growing you will have a continued harvest cycle that will get you new harvest as short as every 45 days.

    Most plants flower naturally in the wild, although slower during winter and faster during summer. Under artificial lights they will flower at about 12 or 13 hours of light. It may be beneficial to have random harvest cycles in case you are worried about the authorities scooping out your predictable October harvest.

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  • LESSON 1 - Genetics

    Genetics are a very important role of marijuana. By finding seeds that already have a high potency, fast growth and pest resistance you will benefit greatly. A good hybrid of sativa and indica is usually preferred. Then you will have the heavy and tiresome high produced by indica plants as well as the energetic high of sativas. An indica plant will have broad leaves and grow more bushy than tall, a sativa will have skinny leaves, only as wide as fingers and they will grow more tall than bushy. A hybrid will usually tame both these features although some hybrids will carry more genes of an indica or vice versa. The best seeds are dark brown or grey. The worst seeds are white which means they have not fully matured.

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